I’ve long wanted to better explain, with photos, the inspiration behind why we include the things we include in The Rally Bear Foundation rally bag care packages.
Our care packages are a little different than some others in that they work double duty to provide comfort to both pet and parent, both ends of the leash if you will.
1. A handmade blanket.
Now, Tucker’s favorite blanket was not handmade, however, he always had a blanket both in the car to and from all his appointments, as well as in his bed(s) at home. The inspiration behind including a handmade blanket actually came from the Facebook “Fur Angel Blessing Blanketeers” group that I belong to whose volunteers sew blankets for sick or injured pets. The blessing concept is that you are praying over the blanket as it is sewn for the recipient. They get the credit for the inspiration behind Bea’s Blanket Brigade as I was sewing a blanket for that group when she was on my lap supervising… and the decision was made to incorporate prayer blankets into our rally bags, too.
*Tucker received that aloe vera plant following one of his acupuncture sessions. I don’t typically ride around with plants in my cup holder.
2. A Starbucks gift card.
I know that pupcups, puppucinnos, whatever you want to call them, are free but I have yet to go through the drive thru to request one for any of my dogs without also purchasing a beverage for myself. On days when Tucker was put through the ringer with testing or bloodwork, we treated ourselves with a trip to Starbucks afterwards- a treat for me, and a treat for him. We also frequented the local yogurt shop, but Starbucks is easier to gift.
My phone is filled with our Starbucks trips but here’s a few highlights.
2017 was his first ever pupcup, I think we were celebrating his neuter recovery or maybe his adoption day.
2019 is somewhere in the middle, and then below is his final pupcup. The week we said we goodbye.
You’ll notice my bandaged finger from when I struggled so much with the decision to let him go that I nearly chopped my ring finger off with the electric hedge clippers the week before. I went outside for air, and well, I nearly lost a finger.
You’ll also notice my special coozie with him on it. We took our Starbucks trips quite seriously.
3. Art supplies to create a Pawcasso painting.
I will forever be grateful that I took the time to create the painting with Tucker. He still had interest in peanut butter and was happy to accommodate my request to lick, therefore paint. His painting is more valuable to me than just about any other thing I own. Who knew he had such talent?! I intentionally chose colors that would work in my home and it’s on display for all to see.
4. A branded reusable shopping tote.
Maybe it will be used to throw in treats, a water bottle and poop bags while traveling to and from appointments, or maybe just using it at the grocery store. However it’s used, it’s a gentle reminder that Team Rally Bear is supporting and cheering on pups and their parents every step of the way.